- 02/26/19CommittedCentral Methodist(Football)
- 02/16/19OfferCentral Methodist(Football)
- 12/20/18OfferKentucky Christian(Football)
- 11/09/18OfferGraceland(Football)
- 04/02/18OfferAdams State(Football)
- 01/17/18OfferBethany(Football)
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Redford Union 2014 female grad Antoinette Harris offered by Bethany-Kansas out of JUCO (Story)
Antoinette Harris made history on January 17th, 2018 when she became one of the first known women, definitely a Michigan high school graduate to earn a college scholarship to play college football.
The 2014 graduate of Redford Union High School who is 5'7 164 lbs moved around from JUCO to JUCO until she landed at East Los Angeles College (ELAC) now NAIA program, Bethany-Kansas extended an offer to the FS, Slot, and RB.
"They said they wanted to see where I wanted to play at the next level," said Harris. "They want to give me that opportunity on a athletic academic scholarship." Harris is being recruiting as a Free Safety.
Harris played on Redford Union in 2014 but was removed from the team by the Athletic Director because she was a girl. "It hasn’t always been easy," said Harris. "I kept God with me since day one & that’s what has brought me this far." Harris later played thanks to bringing the situation to the Superintendent.
Harris started one game in high school and that was homecoming in 2014, Antoinette Harris was elected as Homecoming Queen. She said played every other game during the season.
Harris commented on how she wound up at ELAC, "the head coach there saw something in me that made him want to give me a chance."
The chance of playing at the next level is certainly an achievement all football players dream of accomplishing and male or female, talent rises to the top.
- Recruiting Activity
- News
- 02/27/2019Antoinette Harris becomes the first female to sign a letter of intent to play college football on a scholarship (Story)
- 02/26/2019Redford Union 2014 S/RB Antoinette Harris has committed to Central Methodist
- 02/16/2019Redford Union 2014 S/RB Antoinette Harris was offered by Central Methodist
- 12/20/2018Redford Union 2014 S/RB Antoinette Harris was offered by Kentucky Christian
- 11/09/2018Redford Union 2014 S/RB Antoinette Harris was offered by Graceland
- 04/02/2018Redford Union 2014 S/RB Antoinette Harris was offered by Adams State
- 01/17/2018Redford Union 2014 female grad Antoinette Harris offered by Bethany-Kansas out of JUCO (Story)